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Canyoning 101:  Intro to Canyoning: Novice Canyoning Member 1.0

Canyoning 101:  Intro to Canyoning: Novice Canyoning Member 1.0

Our adventures with the revealed a frequent issue - unprepared canyoneers. Last summer, in a snowmelt waterfall canyon like Pleiades, we found canyoneers at risk of hypothermia because they lacked wetsuits. We assisted them by setting ropes for safe passage. This wasn't an isolated incident. We've encountered canyoneers missing helmets or proper ropes, and even teams with insufficient gear overall. Many lacked basic emergency supplies in their backpacks. Interestingly, backpackers seemed generally better prepared. This gap in preparedness is why we created Canyoning 101. Our program aims to bridge this knowledge gap and equip canyoneers with the skills and knowledge to ensure safe and enjoyable adventures.

The Novice Canyoning Member (NCM) program is a community initiative focused on enhancing safety and readiness for canyoning enthusiasts. It stresses the importance of investing in specialized gear designed for canyoning's unique challenges, including helmets, harnesses, carabiners, attire, footwear, and static ropes. By providing essential knowledge and skills, the course aims to mitigate risks associated with canyoning, enabling participants to explore natural landscapes safely.

Canyoning: Terrain, Movement & Rope Work: Identify the different types of terrain and movement required to overcome obstacles encountered in wet and dry canyoning. Understand basic fundamental components of technical rope work used to canyoneer and understand the important components of a rappel system.

Preparing for a Wilderness Adventure: Recognize and understand how to obtain canyon maps and navigation basics. Understand the importance of monitoring, interpreting and predicting weather. Identify the warning signs of a flash flood.

Interpreting the Canyon Rating System: Explain the purpose of rating systems and identify the key components such as technical difficulty, water levels, and time commitment. Understand how to apply the rating system to determine an appropriate fit for your skill level.

Gearing Up: PPE. Lanyards, & Group Gear: Identify and explain the function and features of each essential piece of personal protective equipment and technical gear used in canyoning trips. Choose and appreciate the importance of clothing and footwear appropriate for different canyon environments. Develop a sense of responsibility for individual and group gear. Perform gear checks and ensure all equipment is properly functioning and secured before entering a canyon.

Basic Canyon Knot Basics: Identify different elements of ropework such as knots, turns, loops, bight, working end, standing end, tail, dressing & setting. Learn to tie the following; overhand knot, overhand on a bight, water knot, and girth hitch knots. Identify the advantages, disadvantages, and common uses of each knot.

Rappelling: Descending Rope. Understand the role of rope friction in rappelling. Learn how friction interacts with your descender and can lock off your rappel device. Understand the proper body position to manage rappelling. Develop awareness of commands used while rappelling.

Belaying: Protecting the Descent. Recognize and understand various belays are and how they are used to protect you and your teammates. Identify the different types of belays used such as bottom and top belays, hip belays, self-belay, and deep-water belay systems. Cultivate clear and concise communication while belaying.

Buddy Checks: Individual & Team Checks

Understand when gear and buddy checks need to be completed while canyoning. Perform a complete Buddy Check for yourself and teammates. Check individual and group gear before stating canyoning adventure.

Communications: Critical Commands

Learn and understand the importance of communication and commands used by you and your team to be safe and efficient while canyoning. Learn the verbal and non-verbal commands canyoneers use while canyoning is different canyon environments.

Your Role: Being part of the Team

Recognize the different roles and responsibilities within a canyoning team, including canyoning leader, assistant canyoning leader, and canyoning team member.

Canyon Stewardship:

Understand the importance of your role in maintaining the delicate ecosystem of the canyon. Practice Leave No Trace principles while canyoning.


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